2013 Swank: The Hottest Website Trends You Ought To Look Out For

2013 Swank: The Hottest Website Trends You Ought To Look Out For

“If it is hot its hot!” that is a saying embraced by today’s pop culture and it is catching on in the world. Today, it takes something extra to make your business or whatever it is to have an edge in the market and since the world belongs only to the brave, you will need to come up with something daring in order to attract the current market.

This idea of swag, swank if you will, has revolutionized the market; it has literary changed the way people look at things and this has brought about many aspects in web design. If you open any website today, your mind will be blown away by the many flash images and videos, the colorful nature or the website and all that. How do you add this extra edge on your website?

Have a mind blowing layout

Your website will be weighed based on what it looks like first before it is rated by how it looks. The truth of the matter is people will first look at it visually before they can decide that they want to read the information. Your website will be rated on its layout, the accessibility of the information and how different things are displayed on the website. You will have to choose an interactive look and your audience will be able to make the judgment. You can get your templates online or build upon a framework from a template you have already drafted. On the other hand, you can download templates free from websites such as freetemplatesonline.com where you will find various editable templates and you can modify them to suit your needs.

These templates come already coded so all you have to do is fix your information, edit and customize a few things and you are good to go, unless the clients decides that it is not a good layout.

Beauty is paramount

Beauty is an important aspect in any website, though many people would want to argue with this, the thing is you will have to make your website good to look at. Beauty is achieved by the colors and graphics you choose to use on your website, the y should contrast, blend, or complement each other such that the website does not look conflicted or confused. Once a website is beautiful and at the same time informative, it is a perfect website.

It should be coded for all devices

Before, most websites had been designed for computers only, both desktops and laptops. Today, the number of gadgets has increased dramatically with most of them requiring websites that have been coded differently to support their operating systems and other aspects of the internet. Most websites had been coded to be viewable on computers and mobile phones only, however today; there are devices such as the tablets, the black berry, iPads and other devices used for viewing the net (by marisol ). Your website therefore needs to have coding that will be read in all sorts of devices available in the market. For apple devices, the operation of retina eye can be coded to support features such as retina and the pixels it needs to make sure that the website does not crash.

Embrace photo backgrounds

This is an idea that is suitable for anyone especially if your website is for photography or graphic design. A photo background capture the audience’s attention, they will look at it intently before starting anything and if you get it right on the photo background, you have it right on the website. You have to make your background unique, it can keep changing, keep moving or any other creative thing you might want to do to it, just add the wow factor.


Joshua Thome is a web critic who is always on the frontline to give opinion on websites as swell as review the designs. He has a blog on freetemplatesonline.com where he speaks on design and out of the box websites.

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