Stunning Illustrations By Fuji Choko
Fuji Choko’s unique anime and manga style of art is certainly one of the most detailed illustrations resulting in awesome masterpieces that are rich in color and are stunningly beautiful.
Many of Fuji Choko’s illustrations depicts a subject mostly one person but some are in groups in a normal everyday life. Some artists prefer to accentuate the main subject only and put more detail in it then gradually decreasing the details and color in the background. On the other hand, what’s notable to Fuji Chokos’s artwork is that everything is very detailed – from the main subject or the center of attraction to the background. Some of the drawings and illustrations are of western setting but most of Fuji Choko’s artworks portrays asian and oriental subjects. While many of Fuji Choko’s artworks are of modern setting depicting a normal city or urban life, traditional types are also notable to the artworks and drew more attention because it is quite unique in a way for it shows in detail a traditional kind of life with a subject mostly of that of a beautiful woman or maiden with oriental clothing as its center of attention. To know more about Fuji Choko and see more of these awesome artworks and illustrations, you can visit Fuji Choko’s website .
We listed before 40+ Of The Most Beautiful Anime Girls Artworks And Illustrations and some of Fuji Choko’s artworks are there. Now we individually feature these beautiful artworks which are really awesome and stunning.
February 3rd, 2016
OMGAWD- so pretty!!! I attempted to draw her anime by myself and they ended up looking more like a three headed troll than a anime! Fuji Choko is so talented, she is amazing!!!